Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Avoid These Three Interview Mistakes If You Want To Score Your Dream Job

When job hunting, knowing what and what not to do is as important as having a polished and impressive resume. Though your job interview results can be subjective, there are things that you need to avoid doing to improve the chance of making a great impression.

Image source: philly.com

1. Failing to prepare

“If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail,” is a saying no better applicable than in a job interview. Treat it like you would an exam. You can’t just wing it. With thousands of applicants you interviewer has already faced, they’d see your unpreparedness from a mile away.

2. Wearing the wrong outfit

We know it’s wrong to judge a book by its cover. But your interviewer is there to do just that – to judge you. If you show up to the interview underdressed, then you make a wrong impression before you even sit down to introduce yourself.

3. Coming in late or very early

Of course, never ever be late for your interview, but don’t come too early either. It may inconvenience your interviewer. The best time is about 10 minutes before. It’s enough time to compose yourself, use the restroom, and prepare yourself for the conversation.

Image source: thrillist.com

Hi there! I’m Larry Polhill, a retired career consultant from Arizona. I give advice to people looking to land a job. Visit this page to learn more.

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