Monday, December 10, 2018

Interview tips: Four characteristics that lead to sound work ethic

One of the most oft-asked questions in a job interview relates to a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. For this blog, I would like to touch on the four traits that translate to a sound work ethic so that you may use them in future interviews.

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Without determination, a good work ethic would simply not be possible. It’s determination that keeps people going whether they’re having a good or bad day, grappling with failure or basking in success. Determination for many employees means the longing to finish something they started.

The ability to put work above and personal issues, to dress and speak in a manner befitting a professional is what professionalism is all about. Being professional mean being dedicated to the goals of a company. This is also one of the integral traits of a leader.

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Integrity means doing the right thing when no one is watching. How does this fit into a good work ethic? A person with integrity is a trusted person and one who continues to work (when needed) even after everyone else has gone home.

Humility is the fourth trait and possibly the most abstract in the context of work ethic. Humble people are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and they accept it. What they also do is work on their weaknesses so they can contribute more to their company. Being humble also means an employee is open to learning new things, which is important in work ethic.

Hello! I'm Larry Polhill, an Arizona native and retired career consultant. From time to time, I still offer advice and insights on how jobseekers can land their dream job. For more job-hunting tips, visit this blog.

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