Monday, June 17, 2019

What exactly are cover letters and how do we write them?

I’m Larry Polhill, and I’ve spent a considerable amount of my time back when I was still working helping out job applicants with their applications. I would consult and do workshops to teach young people on how to write resumes and negotiate job interviews. Job applications are not as simple as one might think. There are a number of factors that affect the chances of an applicant.

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One of these factos is the cover letter.

Cover letters are important. Some companies require them along with resumes.
So, what is a cover letter?
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Cover letters are supplements of sorts that add to the resume (not repeat it). Cover letters often explain to the recruiters why the applicant wants the job and why he wants to work for the company in which he’s applying. Cover letters also (concisely) contain an applicant’s skills, experience, and characteristics that make him suitable for the position. Having said that, applicants should always update and modify their cover letters to the specifications of the company.

Cover letters also answer any questions recruiters might have with resumes, including gaps, and changes in career paths.

Do you have any questions with how cover letters should be written? Be sure to ask me, Larry Polhill, in the comments section below.

Larry Polhill is a resident of Arizona. He used to work as a career consultant, but is now a full-time grandpa and organic gardening enthusiast. Learn more on this page.

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