Monday, July 22, 2019

Distracting communication habits you need to change

Communication Habits Larry Polhill

Mastering the art of communication is the key to succeeding in your personal and professional life. Through the years most of us have picked up distracting habits that might be affecting our relationship with others. Hereunder are some of the habits you need to break to improve how you convey thoughts and feelings. Larry Polhill.


Being an encourager can boost another person's mood and confidence. But once you cross the line to become a flatterer, it can be quite annoying. People will soon catch your insincerity, which might not be beneficial if you're trying to win their favor. If you want to make them feel good, be genuine and honest. Be diplomatic about your comments. Larry Polhill


Having a habit of interrupting others can be disrespectful, especially when you're dealing with a co-worker. In the workplace, people muster up the confidence to share their ideas. Some even write down their carefully crafted words to get their point across. Don't be the person to rain down on their parade. Larry Polhill.

Using filler words

Be extra careful about this. "Um" and "like" have infiltrated many people’s speech patterns so much that they have to be conscious when they speak. Some people pepper their words with these syllables that lead others to shut them off even if it appears that they're listening intently. Instead of letting out a long "um" or starting your sentence with "like," you can pause to collect your thoughts. The goal here is to communicate with clarity. Larry Polhill

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